Kiln-fired Glass Painting and Leading Workshop

Home / Kiln-fired Glass Painting and Leading Workshop
craft courses painted and leaded panel

I can't believe what I made!

22 September 2020

I am so impressed with Ann and the Unicorn studio. Her teaching is great and the studio is light, welcoming and such a wonderful playroom!

I’ve never done any proper glass painting before, or glass cutting or leadwork, but I produced a fabulous window hanger with beautiful glass and painted details in the style of medieval stained glass.

I cut and painted the glass on the first day, Ann fired the paint in place overnight and we opened the kiln together the next morning. The glass was still warm – very exciting! Then I learned how to cut and fit the channelled leading and solder it in place, before patinating it and polishing. The family was amazed at the quality of the piece that I made and that’s down to the excellent teaching. I’m definitely going back to do more and can heartily endorse the course.

Jane Samuels
5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
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2-Day Kiln~fired Glass Painting Workshop

This is a 2-day workshop, running for approximately 7 hours each day.

It’s particularly good value, as you’ll learn 2 techniques in one go!

Day 1

You’ll learn some of the intricacies of traditional stained glass painting, using the finest glass paints and tools. You’ll make the pieces for a beautiful painted and leaded panel in glass colours of your choice.

Skills you’ll learn:

  • preparing the paint with a variety of carriers, depending on the work it needs to do
  • how to use the tools effectively
  • cutting and preparing the glass
  • undercoating
  • copying
  • strengthening
  • shadows on both sides of the glass
  • special effects
  • flooding
  • highlighting and softening
  • firing the finished piece

Day 2

Today, you’ll take your glass pieces straight from the kiln and learn how to put them together into an amazing leaded panel.

Skills you’ll learn:

  • preparing the lead ‘came’ – the channelled lead strips that hold everything together
  • how to cut the lead and apply it to the glass
  • soldering the lead joints
  • puttying your panel
  • making and applying a hanger
  • finishing and polishing the lead.

The workshop fee covers:

  • all materials and use of tools
  • full tuition
  • refreshments on tap all daY

All-inclusive ~ £220.00

Just click on your choice of date below to book

If none of the set workshop days fit your schedule, do have a chat with me as I can sometimes slot in other dates.