Get To Know Your Sewing Machine

Very patient and supportive.
I attended this class to learn the basics, never used a sewing machine in my life. Had a great time, ended up making a pouch and feel like I could start experimenting on my own. Definitely worth the price it would take me weeks of youtuve videos to learn all that on my own and feedback and little insights through the class have been great
Completed your course? How did we do?
Get to know your sewing machine…
…while you make a stylish padded zipped pouch.
You can choose your own colour scheme from our fabric stash.
You will need to bring your own sewing machine and any favourite sewing tools (don’t forget spare needles!) but everything else is provided and the class runs for about 4 hours.
Please also bring your machine’s instruction manual if you have it.
You’ll learn –
- How to set up your machine
- Tension without stress!
- Stitch lengths
- Feet and how to use them
- Simple quilting
- Installing a zip
- Binding
Plus lots of tips and tricks.
Refreshments provided
All inclusive ~ £45.00
Just click on your choice of date below to book
If none of the set workshop days fit your schedule, do have a chat with me as I can sometimes slot in other dates.